Quality Matters are a not-for-profit working with organisations across Ireland to improve social service provision.
Our Team
Our work is…
Client focused
Proving impact
Evidence based
Consultative and participatory
We know that to be sustainable organisations creative use existing resources. Service providers must work with partners across sectors and disciplines to ensure the needs of as many people as possible can met with the skills and resources that we have at our disposal.
Focused on building capacity
Accountable and transparent
Always improving
Our projects are funded by not-for-profit services, service commissioners and philanthropic organisations.
Our team is experienced in front line service provision, service management, service commissioning, research, strategic and policy development, training and lecturing, and facilitation of high-level interagency processes in the addiction, disability, homeless, youth, community development and justice sectors.
Don’t just take our word for it
Our Board
Professor Anthony Staines, Dr. Catherine Bates, Pat Carey,
Dr. Des Crowley, Paul McKinney