Resources for Intercultural Awareness

ICH Module 1&3 T4T

These materials are to support the delivery of the one-day Intercultural Awareness and Practice in Health and Social Care training. The materials are copyright of the HSE and made available here for the exclusive use by those who have completed both the one-day training and two-day train-the-trainer programme.

The materials should be used to deliver the training as designed, to health / social / community professionals by two people who have attended all training.

Any questions about the use of the materials or the training should be directed to Aoife Dermody in Quality Matters (tel: 087 751 5230) or Suzanne Nolan in the HSE (tel: 087 646 8856).

Training Resources: Core Modules

1) Slides, training guidebook and additional handouts (click for Up To Date Resources 2018 zip file)
2)  Videos for Module One (see below)

3) Videos and audio stories for Module 3 Refugees and Trauma: Link